How to Replace a Thermostat in your House

July 10, 2013
Ross and Witmer

Older mechanical thermostats are little more than simple on/off switches for your HVAC equipment. Newer programmable models, however, give you a wide range of control over when, how long, and at what level your home heating and cooling systems operate. Here are the basic steps that cover how to replace a thermostat in your house.

  1. Check instructions and specifications: Review the specifications of your new thermostat to make sure it will work with your HVAC system and 100-volt power supply. Newer thermostats should be compatible with most homes’ needs. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for replacement and operation.
  2. Turn off the power: Shut off electrical power to the thermostat and HVAC system at the circuit breaker box. For improved safety, shut off the power to your entire house at the main breaker while working on the thermostat. Make sure nobody accidentally turns the power back on during replacement.
  3. Remove the old thermostat: Unscrew the old thermostat from the wall or slide it up and out of its mounting bracket.
  4. Note the wiring scheme: Write down or photograph the placement of wires on the old thermostat so that you can match them up with the new model. If necessary, mark the wires with tape or other easy-to-identify material. Secure the wiring so that it does not slide back into the wall.
  5. Attach the mounting plate: Remove the old mounting bracket and put the new thermostat’s mounting plate on the wall.
  6. Connect the wires: Attach the wires to your new thermostat according to the manufacturer’s instructions or the wiring scheme from the old thermostat.
  7. Mount the thermostat: Attach the new thermostat to the mounting plate and make sure it’s securely in place.
  8. Restore power and test thermostat: Turn the power back on and test the new thermostat to make sure it works properly.

Remember, if you are not comfortable with replacing your thermostat yourself, hire your local trusted HVAC contractor to do the job for you.

Ross & Witmer has served heating and air conditioning customers in Charlotte and the surrounding area for almost seven decades. Contact us today for more information on programmable thermostats and advice on how to replace a thermostat in your house.

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