Fall Preparations to Ensure a Good Winter for Your Furnace

October 17, 2016
Ross and Witmer

Making home or HVAC repairs in the dead of winter when your family is shivering under blankets inside is fun for no one. That’s why we’ve put together these tips on how to prepare your Charlotte, North Carolina, furnace for winter while it’s still nice outside.

Wipe Away the Dust

After all the use last winter and then sitting idle all summer, your furnace could use a check-up before you turn it back on. Dust and dirt build-up on your furnace can cause your system to work less efficiently, costing you more money on your monthly energy bill.

Take a Dry Run

It’s been a long time since you’ve needed your furnace and it’s important to give it a test run to look and listen for any apparent problems. Turn on your furnace and let it run for about 30 minutes to identify problems. This is a great step to take before it gets too cold outside and you actually need the furnace.

Keep it Clean

It’s important to periodically change the filter on your furnace to keep it working efficiently and with good air flow. This might sound like a small, inconsequential chore, but we cannot overstate the importance. A dirty filter cannot do its job of keeping dirt and particles out of your furnace’s blower. If the filter isn’t regularly cleaned, you might find yourself with a heating emergency.

Regular Maintenance

If you’re concerned about how your furnace will function for the winter or just want it to get a check-up, that’s where Ross & Witmer can step in. Regular maintenance can keep your furnace going for many years to come.

If your furnace is making an unusual noise or doesn’t seem to be creating warm air, don’t hesitate to give Ross & Witmer a call at 704-392-6188. Our trained, professional repairmen can come out quickly to address emergencies, perform repairs, and offer recommendations for regular maintenance on your furnace.

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