Sealing the Air Leaks in Your Charlotte-Area Home: A 3-Step Action Plan

August 3, 2013
Ross and Witmer

Air leakage in your home can account for as much as 30 percent of your energy usage. Sealing air leaks is the perfect way to tackle this problem and improve your home’s efficiency, thereby decreasing your monthly costs. And the best way to do this is to follow our 3-step action plan, based on the size of the leaks:

Start With the Large Problems

If you want to improve your energy efficiency quickly, tackle the bigger leaks first. After all, they’re the ones that are likely causing most of the air losses in your home. These leaks are typically located either under an unconditioned attic or crawlspace, or in the floor over an unconditioned basement. Leaks from your ductwork can be a major problem, too.

Next, Take Care of the Medium-sized Leaks

What constitutes a medium-sized leak? Use your own judgment. Common places include such areas as the spot where your furnace flue goes up through your floor on its way to the attic. These areas can usually be filled with expanding spray foam.

Finally, Seal the Small Leaks

These shouldn’t be too hard to find. Concentrate on the edges around your doors and windows. You’ll be able to feel a draft. Depending on whether the leak is on a movable fixture such as a door or window sash, use weatherstripping or caulk to seal the leak.

Getting assistance from a professional

Since sealing air leaks properly can be so important to your home’s efficiency (not to mention your energy bills), it’s imperative that you do the job right. If you’re not confident in your ability to find and seal all of the leaks, hire a professional. An HVAC technician will perform a home evaluation that will help you pinpoint the problem areas, both small and large, and then come up with an organized plan to seal as many as possible.

For more expert advice on sealing air leaks, or if you have other home comfort concerns, the friendly professionals at Ross & Witmer can help. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of the Charlotte area since 1945.

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